how to cook tomatoes to eliminate lectins

Genaro Donaro Urology Reply November 27, 2023

 Cooking tomatoes can help reduce lectin levels. Here are some suggestions on how to prepare them:


Cooking tomatoes at high temperatures, whether roasting, boiling, or steaming, can help break down lectins. Cooking breaks down protein structures, which can reduce the presence of lectins.


Peeling tomatoes before cooking can also reduce the amount of lectins. You can soak the tomatoes in hot water for a few minutes and then peel the skin easily.

Seed Removal:

The seeds and the pulp surrounding the seeds usually contain more lectins. You can cut the tomatoes and remove some of the seeds and pulp before cooking.

Sauces and Purees:

Preparing sauces, purees or soups with cooked tomatoes is also an effective way to reduce lectins.

Preserves and Commercial Sauces:

Canned tomato products and commercial sauces often involve cooking processes that reduce lectins. Opting for these products can be a convenient option.

Remember that although cooking can reduce lectins, it can also affect other beneficial nutrients, such as vitamin C. Therefore, it is important to find a balance in the preparation of tomatoes to obtain nutritional benefits without overexposing yourself to lectins.

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