What do beets and carrots do to the prostate?

Genaro Donaro Urology Reply October 12, 2023

 Yes, carrot and beet juice is a good source of vitamin C and beta-carotene, which are antioxidants that can help protect the prostate from damage. Vitamin C helps protect cells from damage caused by free radicals, while beta-carotene is converted to vitamin A, which is also an antioxidant.

In addition to these antioxidants, carrot and beet juice is also a good source of fiber, which can help improve digestive health.

To prepare the juice, mix 1 carrot, 1 beet and 1 apple in a blender. It can be drunk immediately or stored in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours.

Here is a more detailed recipe:


* 1 carrot, peeled and cut into pieces

* 1 beet, peeled and cut into pieces

* 1 apple, peeled and cut into pieces

* 1/2 cup of water


1. Add all ingredients to a blender.

2. Blend until smooth.

3. Serve immediately or store in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours.


*For a sweeter flavor, you can add a little honey or maple syrup.

*If you don't like the taste of beets, you can reduce the amount or use store-bought beet juice.

**Health benefits:**

* Antioxidants that can help protect the prostate from damage.

* Improves digestive health.

* Source of fiber.


*If you have any medical condition, consult your doctor before consuming this or any other natural remedy.

*Beet juice can stain your teeth, so it is important to brush them after drinking it.

Hope this information is helpful.

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